Physical exercise in spinal cord injury

Physical exercise in spinal cord injury

This presentation was part of the webminar titled “Physical activity in neurological conditions” and focuses on the research done in the field of exercise and spinal cord injury, with some motivating examples of how sports have a positive impact on people’s quality of life, after suffering a spinal cord injury.

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Sonja groop

Doctor in Human Movement Sciences at the Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands

She works as a senior researcher at Reade, Center for Rehabilitation and Rheumatology, and as associate professor at the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences at the VU University, both in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is the coordinator of several research programs related to the recovery of mobility and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in spinal cord injury ( Editor of the section on spinal cord in Nature. Her research focuses on physical exercise interventions in spinal cord injuries, wheelchair mobility, exercise physiology, and adapted sports. She has more than 150 publications indexed on the Web Of Science and more than 2000 citations in scientific articles.



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